In less than 18 months, Microsoft will officially stop supporting Windows 10. This doesn’t mean…
PC and Laptop upgrades
Are you tired of waiting for your PC or laptop to respond?
Why not have it upgraded?
The latest version of Windows 10 is a great operating system but some older machines really struggle to cope with all that extra functionality. Fortunately, there are two fairly easy fixes which transform most machines*
Memory (RAM)
The first is a memory upgrade. Windows 10 works better with 8GB of RAM rather than 4GB. If your model supports more memory, this is often a simple and very cost-effective improvement.
Hard Drive (HDD)
The second is to replace the HDD (Hard drive) with an SSD.
HDDs are mechanical drives, much like a high-tech record player, and are subject to deterioration from the moment they leave the factory. After a few years, they can become slower and slower, and eventually, they will fail altogether.
An SSD is a Solid-State Drive which is made up of memory chips. They have no moving parts and can be between 5 and 10 times more responsive than their equivalent HDD. Size for size they are more expensive than HDDs but, in most cases, people just don’t need or use the capacity of their existing HDD.
At PC-FIXED we have replaced dozens of HDDs with SSDs and have found 250GB to be very affordable and more than enough for most users. The process involves cloning your HDD onto the new SSD so you keep everything exactly as it was before – all programs, apps, and files are copied exactly, however, the response is so much quicker that we have had customers actually gasp when they see the difference!
So, if you are getting fed up with a slow PC or laptop, why not give us a call and see if your machine can be upgraded? It’s a lot less expensive than replacement, usually only takes a day, and results a much less frustrating computing experience – go on treat yourself!
* Upgradability depends on the age and model of your machine. We can easily check this when you call.
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