GDPR 25th May 2018
So, in just over 2 weeks (Friday 25th) GDPR comes into force and you haven’t actually done anything about it…
You suspect it’s another over-hyped deadline with a bunch of bureaucratic vulture-consultants circling over hard-pushed business owners, picking off the nieve with the addition of a pile of unnecessary policies that just make it harder to operate. The world isn’t about to end and it’s highly unlikely that the Information Commissioner is poised to raid your business any time soon, you have more important things to worry about…
In a way you at right. Friday 25th will come and go and business will continue as before BUT there is one significant difference: your liability for keeping or disclosing any personal information you have about anyone – customers, prospects, and your own staff – could cost you your business. It will only take one claim or even a request from an individual and, if you can’t prove you take data privacy seriously (by being GDPR compliant) and you could face some hefty, business-busting, fines.
As always, the 80/20 rule applies. You can achieve 80% compliance by just applying some common sense changes. The rest can take a bit more work and effort but in the end, if done the right way, shouldn’t impact your day-to-day operations negatively.
There’s lots of advice online for those who want to take a DIY route – a good start is the Information Commissioner’s website however if you want a bit of help and you are a business based in Staffordshire give me a call. I’ll help you review your current exposure and develop a plan to get the basics right.
How much will it cost? Well, that’s entirely up to you! After the initial assessment (which is free) we’ll agree together what needs to be done and who does what. Any work packages you want me to do will be costed in advance for an agreed fee – can’t say fairer than that!
Don’t put it off do it now! Call or message me.
Download my summary guide
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